神戸六甲わかば司法書士事務所 | 日記 | Kobe-Rokko Wakaba Solicitor's Office

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神戸六甲わかば司法書士事務所 の日記

Kobe-Rokko Wakaba Solicitor's Office


Hello, everyone. 

I am Maeda Minoru. I am a solicitor, and have an office in Kobe, Japan. 

Here are some of the things I deal with... 

1. registering properties / businesses, 
2. representing clients at summary court in civil procedures, 
3. prepareing legal documents / petitions, 
4. assisting clients in family court procedures, 
5. assuming office as guardian / conservator / custodian, 
6. settling / consolidating / liquidating assets and obligations, 
7. settling inheritance / donation / succession of businesses, 
8. and other related issues. 

You may be currently living or doing business in Japan. Or, you may be planning to live or start business in Japan, When you encounter difficulties in life or business here, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Contact: mail: info@wakaba-office.biz 

address: 6-15-10, Mikage-honmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe city, 
Hyogo Prefecture, Japan 658-0046 

Kobe-Rokko Wakaba Solicitor's Office


【PR】  ミック幼児教室(MIC)  ハローストレージ名古屋当知  志学館セミナー  トルカリ高円寺  VADAH(ヴァーダ)ボイススタジオ